The Office of Support Services, headed by Tiffani Johnson, oversees the following departments:
- Information Technology (Chief Information Officer - Michael Pryor)
- Office of Budget and Fiscal Services (Chief Financial Officer - Michael DiBattista)
- Office of Capital Planning and Budgeting (Director - Collette Coleman-Price)
- General Service Unit Facility Maintenance and Janitorial Services (Director -
- Office of General Services (Director - Joseph Hester)
- Office of Human Resources (Acting Chief - Jeffrey Hughes)
- Office of Workforce Development (Director - Fred Williams)
- Office of Procurement (Director - Ronald Colbert)
- Office of Minority Business Enterprises (Manager -
- Office of Auxiliary Services (Director - Melissa Liszewski)
Tiffani Johnson
Deputy Secretary of Support Services
Tiffani Johnson is the Deputy Secretary of Support Services, which oversees crucial units within our Department, including Human Resources, Procurement, Contracts, Maintenance, General Services (Fleet/Inventory), and the newly established Auxiliary Fiscal Services (Travel, Corporate Purchase Card Program, FMIS Functional Coordinator, Vendor Services, and Tuition Reimbursement), Information Technology, Capital Planning and Budgeting, and Budget and Fiscal Services.
With over 15 years of experience in executive financial roles, a distinguished leadership background in the United States Military and 11 years with DJS, Tiffani brings a wealth of expertise to this new role. She has led a team of 400 individuals dedicated to advancing the mission of reintegrating youth involved in the juvenile justice system back into their homes and communities within the Human Resources, Procurement, Contract Management, General Services, Maintenance, Auxiliary Unit, and previously the Budget and Finance unit. Previously, Tiffani worked in Pennsylvania for Vision Quest and a youth community program which is now YAP, and then went to the U.S. Army.
Tiffani holds a dual MBA in Organizational Leadership and Design and Finance along with a Masters in Management and Bachelors with a concentration in HR from Colorado Technical University. Tiffani has earned her Contract Management Certification from MDOT as well as her CMPA for the State of Maryland Procurement Academy. She is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS); CTU Chapter. She has earned her certification from the State of Maryland MPCTC to be a State of Maryland Adjunct Trainer.
Michael Pryor
Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology
The Information Technology Unit is comprised of three key divisions, including Network Operations, Telecommunications, and Security Services and Applications. Information Technology staff travel statewide to support the technology needs for all Department of Juvenile Services field offices and facilities.
Michael DiBattista
Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Fiscal Services
The Accounting Unit performs all general accounting tasks including accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, employee leave accounting, and the statutory closing of the fiscal year for the department. The Accounting Unit also oversees the Youth Assistance Unit and Grants and Restitution.
The Budget Unit prepares the annual operating budget for the Department of Juvenile Services. The budget is prepared based on major programs including all Headquarters, Regional Operations, and Support Services. The Budget Unit also monitors the spending of appropriated funds and provides review and approvals related to funding for major procurement activities.
Collette Coleman-Price
Director, Office of Capital Planning and Budgeting
The Capital Planning and Budgeting Unit (CPBU) is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the department's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The scope of the proposed capital projects included in the Capital Improvement Program range are from land/building acquisition, demolition, design, renovation, new construction, and equipping the new buildings.
Director, Facility Maintenance and Janitorial Services
Joseph Hester
Director, Office of General Services
The Office of General Service Unit's mission is to provide leadership and best practices in managing property, fleet, and real estate acquisitions and sales for all DJS field offices, as well as being a DJS textile coordinator and liaison to the Department of Fair Practices Medical Accommodations. This department also maintains oversight for the statewide vending services contract with Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and other support services in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner.
Jeffrey Hughes,
Acting Chief, Office of Human Resources
The Human Resources Unit is responsible for advising management and staff on all rules, policies, and directives through the Department of Juvenile Services, Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The unit is responsible for recruiting all positions, approving interview panels and questions, Employee Relations, approving the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), hearing grievances and discipline, return to work procedures, and working with the union through the Labor Management Committee (LMC) and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Employee Services consist of approving acting capacity pay, employee to employee sick leave donations, coordination of health benefits, retirement and accident leave, along with Human Resources training for supervisors and employees.
Fred Williams
Director of Workforce Development
Fred Williams is the Director of Workforce Development. Fred will spearhead DJS' workforce development initiatives. His past experience and commitment to expanding opportunities for our youth are qualities we are eager to leverage. He worked at DJS from 1993 to 2000 in various capacities and has spent the last several years running Job Corps Centers and other workforce development programs across the nation. Fred will be quickly accelerating DJS' efforts to expand access to workforce development opportunities for our youth.
Ronald Colbert
Director of Procurement
The Office of Procurement is responsible for managing the procurement process to obtain Commodities, Facility Maintenance, Inter-agency Agreements, Professional Services including Human Services and Information Technology through the competitive or negotiated procurement methods in accordance to all applicable laws, regulations (COMAR Title 21), policies, and procedures in support of DJS's organizational goals and objectives. The Procurement team consists of eleven (11) Procurement professionals who include a Deputy Director and a supervisor. The Procurement team provides technical assistance, guidance and training to the facilities and area offices staff involved in procurement activities within an assigned region. The Procurement team is committed to operating in accordance with sound business practices inclusive of checks and balances designed to ensure faithful compliance with control processes.
Office of Minority Business Enterprises
Melissa Liszewski
Director of Auxiliary Services
Melissa Liszewski serves as the Auxiliary Director. She comes with over 18 years of experience with DJS in accounting, budgeting, and contracts. Melissa cross-trains fiscal staff and provides training to over 80 cardholders, travel training to ELT and the First Line Supervisor Program. Melissa has been the backup Purchase Card Program Administrator (PCPA) and is now the primary. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Towson University.