JSEP Recruitment Video
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JSEP students and classrooms are layered with an unlimited and amazing assortment of skills, proficiencies, talents, and aptitudes. To be of service to students, as a Teacher-Leader in JSEP’s learning spaces, has allowed me to enrich, instruct, remediate, and intervene in student learning at a unique, impactful, rewarding, and personalized level that is very rare to experience.
The promise of small class size, a competitive salary, team support, and a diverse population of learners with robust personalities recruited me to teach in JSEP schools. The experience of teaching and supporting JSEP students as they reset, reclaim, and continue their path to their future is what retains me.
Ms. H - Lead Teacher

Why Work for JSEP?

The Juvenile Services Education Program (JSEP) is an independent education program housed in Maryland’s Department of Juvenile Services (DJS). JSEP provides comprehensive educational services to all students in DJS detention and/or residential facilities. At JSEP we create individualized education plans for each student. One that builds on students’ strengths and prepares them for continued success and positive engagement in their communities. Class sizes are small and often co-taught, offering teachers a unique opportunity to work with and meet the needs of their students. Students attend school six hours daily, year-round. Coursework is aligned with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) standards and each student is enrolled in classes which meet their graduation requirements.
Legislative Background
During the 2021 Legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly passed and Governor Lawrence J. Hogan Jr., signed into law
SB 497, Chapter 145 “Juvenile Services Education Board and Program." The legislation transitions the responsibility of implementing a juvenile services education program from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to the Juvenile Services Education Program (JSEP) and Board.
As of July 1, 2022, the responsibility of implementing educational programming transferred from MSDE to DJS; who worked collaboratively in order to support a successful transfer of educational responsibilities. JSEP will continue to provide support for all JSEP Board activities and assess operational needs in order to provide quality education for all JSEP students.
The Juvenile Services Education Program (JSEP) and Board is an independent unit within the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) to oversee and provide comprehensive educational services to all juveniles placed in a DJS operated detention and residential facility. The JSEP Superintendent is responsible for implementing and administering educational programs approved by the JSEP Board and DJS provides support services to the unit. Students are able to receive instruction in coursework aligned with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) graduation requirements. Students are able to receive Career and Technology Education (CTE) certifications, specialized instruction, participate in GED completion, receive comprehensive school counseling support, and post-secondary opportunities. JSEP will also include instruction in core content subjects, library/media services, life skills, and special education services. Students are pre-tested upon entry to the JSEP to assess baseline academic skills. Teachers then use those results to design specialized learning plans for each student and develop the basis for daily instruction.
Mission and Vision Statements
JSEP School Board Initial Goals