Victim Services

The Department of Juvenile Services offers assistance. DJS helps victims proceed through the juvenile justice system by providing information about the juvenile court system, ensuring that victims are informed and aware of the rights afforded them under Maryland law, providing guidance, and personal support.

Department of Juvenile Services provides victims assistance with the preparation of victim impact statements and the enforcement of court orders for restitution through the restitution collection process. DJS also can provide information to victims.

Victims of juvenile crime who request assistance for services receive information for self-referral to services. Services may include, but are ​not limited to, referral for crisis intervention, emergency services, information regarding financial assistance, and information on case status and outcomes. Department of Juvenile Services ​is committed to ensuring that all victims of juvenile crime are treated with dignity, respect, and sensitivity throughout the juvenile justice process.

If you are the victim of a juvenile crime and have questions regarding the status of your case, restitution, or for more information on available resources, please email or call 410-230-3400.​

Following are links that take you outside of the Department of Juvenile Services' domain but are provided for informational purposes.

Helpful Links

Criminal Injuries Compensation Board

Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center

Central Collection Unit (for debtors only​)

Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention​

Maryland State Board of Victim Services

Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
