Pre-Adjudication Services

The Office of Pre-Adjudication Services and Reform contains the statewide intake, community detention, and reform and equity operations of five (5) Department of Juvenile Services regions and 33 field offices across Maryland. The office​​, headed by Adrian Tyree​, Executive Director, Intake and Pre-Court Services, oversees the following:

  • Baltimore City (Baltimore City only) (Acting Intake Director – Michelle Mattadeen-Dixon​)
  • Central Region (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Harford, and Howard Counties) (Intake Director – Wendy Hildebrand)
  • Capital South (Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's, and St. Mary's Counties) (Intake Director – Kimberly Foster)
  • Eastern Shore (Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties) (Intake Director – Joe Grabis)
  • Western Region (Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington Counties) (Intake Director – Heather Hibbard)

The Office of Pre-Adjudication Services and Reform is comprised of (5) regional intake directors, the director of reform and equity, and the director of community detention operations. The Office is responsible for:

  • Managing and monitoring a uniform statewide approach for the review of intake complaints and to make certain appropriate assessments and review are conducted to promote the best interest of the child and public safety;
  • The Community Detention Operations including Community Detention, GPS Monitoring, Baltimore City Evening Reporting Center; and,
  • Statewide reform and equity initiatives and its statewide reform and equity operations at all levels of the juvenile justice system.

In July 2020, the Department implemented the validated Intake Decision Tool (IDT). The IDT is intended to ensure fair and equitable decisions that are developmentally appropriate, culturally proficient, and tailored to the risk, needs, and strengths of youth. The Department aims to divert youth from court involvement when possible and refer the youth and family to services when needed, including high-risk youth who may be safely supervised by DJS with interventions that reduce the risk of recidivism.

Adrian Tyree
Executive Director of​ Intake and Pre-Court Services

Adrian Tyree

Adrian Tyree serves as the Executive Director of Intake and Pre-Court Services. Adrian has extensive experience with the Department and in youth justice, having served previously as Intake Director for Central Region and in other key leadership roles. After leaving the agency in 2022, Adrian worked as Director of High School Communities for Thread, a role in which he gained additional skills in leadership and executive-level program and resource management. Adrian will lead the Department's front-end strategies to increase the use and efficacy of pre-court interventions and operational excellence in statewide intake functions. He is very knowledgeable in strategic planning, policy development, coaching, and stakeholder relations and engagement. Adrian has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religious Studies from St. Mary's College of Maryland. ​

Michelle Mattadeen-Dixon​
Acting ​Intake Director, Baltimore City

(Baltimore City only)

Michelle Mattadeen-Dixon serves as the Baltimore City Acting Intake Director.​

Wendy Hildebrand
Intake Director, Central Region

(Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Harford, and Howard Counties)

Kimberly Foster
Intake Director, Capital South

(Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's, and St. Mary's Counties)

Joe Grabis
Intake Director, Eastern Shore

(Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties)

Heather Hibbard
Intake Director, Western Region

(Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington Counties)​